It’s been a few months since I wrote a blog. The primary driver has been the wave of support from folks placing orders to get their WEDGEHEAD broadheads. To those who have ordered from EL&B Outdoors so far, I cannot tell you how much that means or say thank you enough! The last month was wild. Many of you saw the independent review of the WEDGEHEAD by John Lusk on his YouTube channel, Lusk Archery Adventures

Immediately following release of that review orders flooded in. I learned a lot quickly about processing large volumes of orders, time management, responding to customer inquiries, details on the back-office tools of the website and shipping that I honestly had not made it a point to learn. The volume of WEDGEHEADS I had ready to go quickly disappeared. Obviously, this is a good problem to have! I put in some long hours and late nights sharpening broadheads and prepping packaging. Then my awesome wife set down at night after we put our three boys in bed to help print packaging labels and get the wave of WEDGEHEAD orders out the door and to the field! WEDGEHEADs are now in over a dozen states and counting!

I realized during the experience and long hours that I needed to do a better job of prioritizing tasks related to making EL&B Outdoors a success. My career is one that often demands far more than the standard 40hrs many are accustomed to. Even a slow week easily involves more time than is available between 7am-5pm each day; nights and weekends are not off limits either. I saw a post once that said a successful business revolved around the 3C’s; Confidence, Commitment and Consistency. I’m 100% Confident that EL&B Outdoors is turning out a great product with the WEDGEHEAD. I’m absolutely committed to the success of the business and further developing the line of broadheads offered. What I am working on now is being Consistent. To take this family business where I want it to be I cannot simply be confident and committed every other week or hammering things out for two weeks to take off two weeks. I must be Consistent!

So here are some things I’m doing to be consistent but not interfere with my career or family. I now set aside time each day to do the necessary tasks associated with starting a business. For me that means getting up a few hours early each day to sharpen more WEDGEHEADs, which are back IN STOCK! It means taking an hour or so each night after the kids go to bed to response to customer inquiries through this Contact Us  page . If means intentionally promoting the business. Most of all it means providing great customer service and being transparent.

Speaking of being transparent know that you can order your WEDGEHEAD broadheads at any time but for me to establish a consistent process I can execute this is how shipping will work. Orders place Monday-Friday will be packaged on the following Saturday-Sunday and shipped the following Monday. If you’re placing an order on Saturday or Sunday and need to know when it will ship, please reach out and ask through the contact us link on the website. It will honestly depend on the volume of orders I’m filling and what step I’m at in the process when you place your order. It could be the following Monday, or it could be the next Monday a week out, it simply depends. Know that filling orders in a timely manner is always a high priority for me!

Many Thanks Again for ALL the Support!