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Practice With Your Broadheads

By |2022-08-11T13:37:41+00:00August 22, 2022|Practice|

This one is short and sweet. Practice with your broadheads! I realize this might be a duh huh kind of statement but not everyone understands the significance! I use to be one of those that would shoot field tips all the way up until hunting season and then shoot just a few times with my broadhead. If I hit the target I considered it good. Most of the time I was so [...]

Long Range Arrows

By |2022-08-11T13:35:40+00:00August 11, 2022|Practice|

Disclaimer: For all those ready to keyboard shame for advocating unethical long range shooting. That’s not what this blog is about! This article is about practicing at distances that are much greater than you would ever take in a hunting scenario so you’re as proficient as possible when the time comes for the right shot hunting. Every single hunter has to determine what that distance is for themselves. As I’ve mentioned in [...]

Practicing ALL WRONG: Part 3

By |2022-07-14T16:06:25+00:00July 24, 2022|Practice|

As you can see this week is part 3 of Practicing ALL WRONG. If you missed Part 1 & 2 just scroll down catchup and Part 3 will tie it all together.   I've never really practiced out of my hunting stand! Yeah, mind blown! When I stopped and thought about it I realized that I've never actually practiced shooting out of any of my stands. Box Blinds, ground blinds, ladder stands, lock-ons [...]

Practicing ALL WRONG: Part 2

By |2022-07-14T16:04:27+00:00July 17, 2022|Practice|

If you didn't read last week's Part 1 blog scroll down and check it out then come back to Part 2. So if the concept I laid out last week was news to you like it was to me then this next "ah ha, duhhh" moment might be as well.   Not only did I plan practice time, therefore being mentally prepared to shoot and then warming up with close shots but I [...]

Practicing ALL WRONG: Part 1

By |2022-07-14T15:56:14+00:00July 14, 2022|Practice|

First off, I'm no expert in this field. Never claimed to be. That said, I've been shooting a bow now for nearly 25yrs. I've been bowhunting off and on for nearly 20yrs. In that time I've certainly learned a thing or two. Most lessons were from doing something wrong. I had a real light bulb moment towards the end of last hunting season. I committed to change my approach this year and am [...]


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